Ever wondered why your South African ID number is 13 digits long? Well. The government of South Africa, through the Department of Home Affairs, issues a unique serial number to every legal citizen and permanent resident, thus enabling them to properly identify and categorize everyone in the country.
This is how your ID number was created:
Individual with ID number of format 991201 0000 08 1 is, therefore, a female, who was born in South Africa in the year 1999, December the 1st, meanwhile the format 991201 5555 18 7 would denote a Male individual who is a permanent resident in South Africa who was in the same year as the female counterpart.
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South African Green ID Document. |
This is how your ID number was created:
- The first 6 digits (YYMMDD) of the ID are based on your date of birth. I.e. 20 February 1992 is displayed as 920220.
- The next 4 digits (SSSS) are used to define your gender/sex. Females are assigned numbers in the range 0000-4999 and males from 5000-9999
- The last 3 digits indicate whether you were born in South Africa or you applied for a permanent resident being from elsewhere. Usually end with 08 7, 08 1 etc. If the last 3 digits of your ID starts with Zero (0), it shows you are a South African born citizen, and a one(1) implies that you are a permanent resident, likely born from another country. (The 1 and 0 is known as 'C')
Serial digits that compose an ID number |
Individual with ID number of format 991201 0000 08 1 is, therefore, a female, who was born in South Africa in the year 1999, December the 1st, meanwhile the format 991201 5555 18 7 would denote a Male individual who is a permanent resident in South Africa who was in the same year as the female counterpart.
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