Learn how to make cash with YouTube in South Africa.

Tons of people use YouTube every day, and it's only a few who know they can generate revenue with the site, on the other part -there are many YouTubers/vloggers who submit videos and not monetize them.

With YouTube, you can submit content and earn amazing cash. YouTube works with millions of publishers to display adverts on their contents and share revenue with them through a Google paying program called AdSense. This service is actually the best paying method for AdClients content online.

There has been a significant growth in the numbers 'YouTubers' in South Africa and the world as a whole. Some even use this opportunity to generate a living and never taste a day of work. I will help you with the steps on how to make extra cash, or after all, - a living off YouTube.

1. Own a video.

Well, YouTube is about videos, and videos only. The first requirement will be to own, create, or have your own video to post. YouTube accepts almost any kind of videos except adult content and 18+ rated stuff. It's against YouTube terms to submit copyrighted materials, and you will get a warning every time your content is detected as copyright infringing.

Video Ideas
  • Face Vlog - You can make videos of you talking, discussing topics, reviewing latest music, or be that Presenter you always wanted to be in the comfort of your room. 
  • Educational Videos - If you're skilled in a subject, especially tricky modules like Mathematics, Science, Programming etc, you can make tutorials on how to solve that 'x' or how to run that program.
  •  Music Content - If you're an Upcoming-Musicians, or has just started in your music career, you can utilize YouTube and post your singing/rapping sessions or your Audios on your YouTube account and earn that cash while waiting for that contract.
  • Comedy/Tricks & Pranks - If you have a creative mind that can make people laugh at your tricks, pranks or comedy, get that into a digital YouTube space for earnings. 

Most of the video idea will need, basically a mobile phone, or a camera - if you're privileged enough to own one. A lot of successful YouTubers started by using their own mobiles phones or laptops.

2. Create a YouTube Channel.

To create a YouTube channel is simple. Check Out the following steps.
  • Have a Google Account (eg. yourname@gmail.com)
  • Go to YouTube.com and click Sign In. (If your name is already appearing at the top right corner, you are already signed in. 
  • Once you're logged in, Click My Channel, or manually go to https://www.youtube.com/create_channel, you will be redirected to a page to create your own channel. It should look like this ↓
  • Fill the section and click Create Channel. Then, Wallah, You Own a YouTube channel and you can start posting.  Your next page will look like this ↓

  • At this stage, your account does not have any video. You will have to upload a video to activate some of the features. To upload, you just have to go https://www.youtube.com/upload or use the Upload feature which is on your channel.
You can set up other additional information like changing your display picture and the background display, description on what your channel is all about, links to your social media accounts and so on.

3. Earning Cash With My Videos (AdSense Application)

Well, there are users who generally post videos on YouTube and never activate the Earning Part. You will not get the cash unless you indicate that you want to generate cash with your videos. I personally used YouTube a few year ago to post videos without the option activated, years later, I realized how much I could've earned.

To activate earning, you will need to click the channel settings, at the top right corner of your account, then select Additional Settings. Use the link https://www.youtube.com/features if do not find the settings. You should be directed to a page like this ↓

This is where you verify your YouTube Page, check the CopyRights and Activate the Monetization (Payments)

Naturally, your account will come with this option not activated, you will to manually click 'Enable'.  This page will redirect you to the Apply For Monetization section. You can manually use the link https://www.youtube.com/account_monetization. You will fill a form that looks like ↓ the picture below. Follow the steps and acctept the YouTube Guideline T&C's. 

Before 2016, YouTube used to activate the monetization option to any new user. However, things have changed since 2017. New accounts will need to submit a video first and get at least 10 000 views to be accepted for money option. This is likely because of thousands of users who just post one bad video and never access YouTube again. 10K views are too little if your content is eye catching. In South Africa, a good video can knock up to a 100 000 views in a day. YouTube announced "To be approved, all channels need at least 10,000 views. This requirement allows us to properly evaluate new channels and helps protect creator content."

When you have reached the 10K views, and you AdSense account is active, you will be able to get payed. Your AdSense payment page balance will reflect like this ↓.

You will get to know how many times people watched your videos, and how much you will get. The payment comes monthly. In the United States, YouTubers are expected to reach at least $100.00 to get their monthly payment, that's approximately R1318.40 of South Africa Rand. However, if you are in South Africa, you will be expected to reach  R1000.00 (1 thousand rands) to get your payment issued. Payments arrive directly to your bank account. All the major Banks of South Africa are available and accepted as form of payments 

YouTube will display adverts on your videos before people play them, and also in between the video when it is playing. The more the views, the more cash you will get. The payment works on the CPI(Cost Per Impression) and CPC (Cost Per Clicks) terms. If users get to click your adverts, you even get more cash than just viewing. However, there are rules, you do not need to tell people to click your adverts. If people click your adverts just to promote you, Google algorithms detect that, and your account might not get paid for those 'fake' clicks.

Well, that's it with YouTube. For any question or suggestions, please use the comment section.

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